120 Entries At Real Deadline

Good news!  Your odds of winning the tournament are the best that they’ve been in years!  Each person has a 1 in 120 chance of taking the grand prize.  Of course those odds will settle themselves out more precisely as the tournament progresses and as the 22% who picked Duke to win it all slink back to their mother’s basements.

Links to all of the picks and up to the hour tournament standings can be accessed by clicking on the “Quick Reports” menu item on the banner above.  In the meantime, please be sure to submit your payments so that you can continue to participate.  A reminder that entries without corresponding payments by the time the Sweet Sixteen rounds begin will not count.  If you need any assistance please don’t hesitate to contact tournament headquarters at hoopsmaster@eqemarchmadness.com.

[Snarky Comment added by Admin]

Posted in 2017, Director's Notes.