106 Total Entries – Time To Pay Up!

It’s a good showing for the 2018 Hoops Madness Tournament, 106 total entries.  Indeed the economy has improved.  We’re trying to stay on top of the financial end of things so we remind you of our preferred method to settle your debts.  And sorry, but your response of “just take it out of my winnings” is not all that original.

You can go directly to our PayPal Collection point by clicking here.  It will appear that you are “purchasing” custom hoop rings, which is our slick method of sliding around the nasty paypal people who have tried to disrupt our tournament in the past.

If you have not paid up by the end of this Sunday’s games we will put you on the tardy list, issue you a strongly worded letter, and let Vlad Putin deal with you.  Don’t be late!

Posted in 2018, Director's Notes.