The first “upset” of the tournament has occurred, UC Irvine, local legends to those in Orange County, but virtual unknowns elsewhere, took down the fourth seeded Kansas State in convincing style. Not that much of a surprise among EQE March Madness participants, though, as 39 entries predicted that very outcome. How smart are we?
Halfway through the second half of the second round things are looking up for past champion Big Ten Love. Big Ten teams are currently 6 and 0, with two more yet to play. Then again Big West teams can also lay claim to an undefeated record – but there don’t seem to be any Big West Love entries.
Yesterday’s leaders, Savage Rocco and Petey1, have taken a back seat to our new co-leaders, Nathan Detroit and Eyebrian3, both of whom have only two incorrect picks. At the other end of the contest is previous laggard, Tripstermatilda, soaring to a win rate of 50% for the day at this point.