A very audible exhale was heard emanating from EQE March Madness participants on Sunday as Duke barely came away with a win over upstart Central Florida. With 77 brackets facing the possibility of total destruction, the tournament was nearly thrown into total Kaos…errrr chaos. In the end, though only two teams seeded one through four did not survive, meaning that 98% of our entries still have a chance to finish in the money.
However, four of our entries probably have a little better chance of taking the big prize relative to the others, for they somehow managed to come away having precisely predicted the remaining sixteen teams in the tournament. Now they didn’t necessarily pick every early game win correctly (nobody has done that, much to the relief of Warren Buffett) but they did correctly identify every Sweet Sixteen team. And furthermore, three of those entries belong to one individual whose initials evidently stand for “all I Do is Win Games.” At the top is Cans on Fire, followed by Missouri Loves Company, followed by old DWG at three through five. That would be two time tournament winner Dave Getty, who’s a pretty good bet to finish in the money at this point. But this doesn’t mean that your entry has no hope – far from it, in fact….unless your entry is one of those three that is preceded by a little star.
Yes, the dreaded “bad news asterisks” have made their ugly appearance, but only three of 116 entries have officially been eliminated. But that doesn’t mean the end of competition, for the prestigious Brandy Award is still up in the air, thanks to frontrunner Tripstermatilda’s sudden Sunday surge. Having picked three of Sunday’s eight games correctly, our backmarker’s score soared to 39, once again preserving Brandy’s 24 year old record low score of 30. But with two of Tripster’s Elite Eight teams still alive, all is not lost for challengers Controlled Kaos and BCG1.
As we take a four day break, it’s time to sit back, breath a little, and contemplate what exactly it is that motivates all of those people to remove the tailgates from their pickup trucks and then carry them to a field and gather with other people who have also done the same thing where they all proceed to sing about it. Not to mention the confusion we are all suffering when considering whether medieval characters really prefer Miller Lite over Bud Light. And why in God’s name are they drinking light beer at all? Or are we at headquarters just suffering from March Madness advertising overload? Oh, and while you’re pondering all of those things, why not take some time to settle up your debts? We have many entries that are not yet paid for and we’d sure like to get those fees taken care of before the number of asterisks increases dramatically. If you are among the minority of well intentioned folks who have not paid up yet, please either take the time to do so at this link, or contact us to make alternate plans if you cannot or wish not to pay by PayPal.
Admin’s NOTE: A new Report is now available under Quick Reports: POSSIBILITIES.