All Brackets Busted!!

The shocking loss handed to top seeded Illinois by Loyola of Chicago has had a devastating effect on the EQE March Madness Tournament.  No less than 50 entries had the Illini going all the way to the Final Four, with 39 of them going all the way to the Championship game.  Yesterday’s leader, Junior GMan, still shows as the overall leader in points, but having picked Illinois to win it all means that in reality Junior GMan may actually see the dreaded asterisk next to his entry in the near future.  Oddly, SisterJean’sNurse picked Illinois to make the Elite Eight, but the good karma from the world’s most famous 102 year old tourney fan seems to have rubbed off as she sits in sixth place when sorted by possible points.  Something tells us the surprises are not yet complete.

Posted in 2021, Director's Notes.