OK, we predicted more upsets in the second round of the Sweet Sixteen. But we didn’t predict the loss of all four top seeds before reaching the Elite Eight. And neither did anyone else, for that matter. With the loss of all of the numbers ones plus all but one of the number two seeds, it’s pretty much a certainty that we will have our lowest winning score in the history of the pool. In fact, only four entries have a possible score greater than the previous record low winning score of 135, set way back in 1989, the second year of our existence – and that was when we had only a couple of dozen entries at best.
All but 26 entries are gonzo, believed to be a record level of elimination following the Sweet Sixteen rounds. Of those 26 that survive at this stage, only six entries are in line for a first place finish. You can check on the Status Reports link above to see if yours is one of the possibilities. Hint: Yours probably isn’t one of those.
With the Junior Man entries falling into that morass of losing entries a surprise new leader has emerged, the only entry to top .500 for the Sweet Sixteen. You might translate that as the only entry insane enough to pick teams such as San Diego State, Miami and Kansas State to win their third round matches. We prefer to interpret it as the only one with the foresight and wisdom to see the potential that such teams possessed. Or maybe it was destiny as the entry utilized the name EQE Sedan, a tribute to the Mercedes auto manufacturer who seems to have embraced our tournament by naming their electric vehicles after us. Thanks, Mercedes – and we await our royalties!
At the other end of those who have managed to outsmart the majority of predictions, the competition for the Brandy Award was intense. A grand total of ten entries went winless in the Sweet Sixteen, a stunning demonstration of inept picking, errr, surprise results. None of the entries, however, were able to match the bad picking power of our winner. The odd thing is, we still don’t know who that particular winner is. But we do know it will be a Badger. Huh? Yes, there are only two possible Brandy Award winners, Badger04, the current leader, with 49 points, or Badger03, currently sitting at next to last place with 52 points. The uncertainty is due to Badger04 actually having one pick, Gonzaga, still alive. Should Gonzaga win tomorrow, Badger04 will zoom all the way up to……….well, something above dead last. In which case Badger03 will cash in on a free entry next year. The excitement and anticipation for the Brandy Award has never reached such heights. Good luck to both Badger entries.