With the First Four Games Complete….

With the first four games complete, 37 entries are sporting perfect brackets. With virtually no upsets (some would argue that number 9 Creighton beating number 8 Louisville was rather expected) such a success rate in not a huge surprise. What is a surprise is that even the worst records so far are batting .500. Yes, no team has any less than two incorrect picks. It may be early, but such a trend speaks well for the Brandy award’s total of 30 likely remaining safe. As we write this, though, Auburn has its hands full with Alabama State. Should the overall number one team go down in the opening game, not only would Charles Barkley likely commit suicide live on camera, but it would throw our brackets into disarray matched only by that of astronaut Suni Williams’ hair after 9 months in space.

Reminder: For up to the minute reports on bracket/tournament status simply click on the “Status Reports” link above and click on various reports to your heart’s content. Or just stick with the main page here where we’ll keep you updated with our legendary analysis and commentary.

Posted in 2025, Director's Notes.