Halfway Through Round 2…

The first day of Round 2 saw one huge upset (documented below) and a couple of mild ones. Most entries managed to bat .500 or better, but four somehow got it right on seven of the eight games played today. Two of them, Mark McKeown Bracket and Tucker4, now sit tied at the top of the current points standings. An impressive accomplishment, but let’s get through the rest of Round 2 before we start trying to predict any sort of success possibilities. After all, we haven’t even seen any of those pesky asterisks that identify gloom and doom for pool participants – though tomorrow could yield a different story.

Of course we can’t go without recognizing the futility at the other end of the standings. Prominent among those is the stunning accomplishment of RaleighGoodBracket today, the only bracket that somehow selected just one correct pick out of the eight games played. Makes you wonder what RaleighNotSoGoodBracket’s results might be if there was such an entry. Ordinarily such a lack of accuracy would vault a bracket result like this far into the lead for the Brandy Award. But Pope’s Picks, now with six of eight Elite Eight selections already gone, is overshadowing all other terrible entries, selfishly hogging the spotlight. That said, the Pope did manage to get three picks right today. Encouraging, but it’s only warding off the inevitable – the bracket pool version of rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic.


Posted in 2025, Director's Notes.