With Half of the Sweet Sixteen Complete…

Half of the Sweet Sixteen games have now been contested and four entries picked all four of the outcomes precisely. And a special salute to those 22 entries that had the foresight and wisdom to predict that the Purdue Boilermakers would proceed to the Elite Eight and/or beyond. Your wisdom and faith are commendable. Given that, all signs point to perennial contender DWG as the odds-on favorite, presently sitting at one, two, three in the standings. Whether you sort by present score or by possible score, two time winner Dave Getty, the Zion Williamson of EQE March Madness, dominates the standings.

But all of Dave’s entries are some variant of Duke, Virginia and Gonzaga playing in the Championship, two of which won their Sweet Sixteen match today.   That’s quite a concentration. For a different approach, check our new “Possibilities” report, which shows that the most likely team to take the overall win, as sorted by the “Possibilities” report, is Barack, with an 11% chance of winning it all, and a nearly 19% chance to finish in the money. Really, doesn’t that dude have enough income from Michelle’s books and gardening tips already?

Tripstermatilda managed to pick one of the Sweet Sixteen games correctly, but still looks to be the overwhelming favorite to lock in the Brandy Award for the year. Nothing is for sure yet, though, so keep and eye on contenders Rather Be Knitting (a former champion, but the way) and Tyrone Shoelaces, both of whom suffered a loss by their championship pick this evening.

Sadly, 14 entries are no longer being scored because they failed to get their fees in on time. However, much to DWG’s or Barack’s delight, they still have the chance to be reinstated should they get their fees in soon. If you tardy types want the chance to compete next season, you’re advised to pay up soon or be forever banished from tournament play!

On To the Sweet Sixteen

A very audible exhale was heard emanating from EQE March Madness participants on Sunday as Duke barely came away with a win over upstart Central Florida.  With 77 brackets facing the possibility of total destruction, the tournament was nearly thrown into total Kaos…errrr chaos.   In the end, though only two teams seeded one through four did not survive, meaning that 98% of our entries still have a chance to finish in the money.

However, four of our entries probably have a little better chance of taking the big prize relative to the others, for they somehow managed to come away having precisely predicted the remaining sixteen teams in the tournament.  Now they didn’t necessarily pick every early game win correctly (nobody has done that, much to the relief of Warren Buffett) but they did correctly identify every Sweet Sixteen team.  And furthermore, three of those entries belong to one individual whose initials evidently stand for “all I Do is Win Games.” At the top is Cans on Fire, followed by Missouri Loves Company, followed by old DWG at three through five.  That would be two time tournament winner Dave Getty, who’s a pretty good bet to finish in the money at this point. But this doesn’t mean that your entry has no hope – far from it, in fact….unless your entry is one of those three that is preceded by a little star.

Yes, the dreaded “bad news asterisks” have made their ugly appearance, but only three of 116 entries have officially been eliminated.  But that doesn’t mean the end of competition, for the prestigious Brandy Award is still up in the air, thanks to frontrunner Tripstermatilda’s sudden Sunday surge.  Having picked three of Sunday’s eight games correctly, our backmarker’s score soared to 39, once again preserving Brandy’s 24 year old record low score of 30.  But with two of Tripster’s Elite Eight teams still alive, all is not lost for challengers Controlled Kaos and BCG1.

As we take a four day break, it’s time to sit back, breath a little, and contemplate what exactly it is that motivates  all of those people to remove the tailgates from their pickup trucks and then carry them to a field and gather with other people who have also done the same thing where they all proceed to sing about it. Not to mention the confusion we are all suffering when considering whether medieval characters really prefer Miller Lite over Bud Light. And why in God’s name are they drinking light beer at all?  Or are we at headquarters just suffering from March Madness advertising overload?  Oh, and while you’re pondering all of those things, why not take some time to settle up your debts?  We have many entries that are not yet paid for and we’d sure like to get those fees taken care of before the number of asterisks increases dramatically.  If you are among the minority of well intentioned folks who have not paid up yet, please either take the time to do so at this link, or contact us to make alternate plans if you cannot or wish not to pay by PayPal.

Admin’s NOTE: A new Report is now available under Quick Reports: POSSIBILITIES.

One thrilla, otherwise mostly vanilla…

The first day of games in the second round of tournament play had one down-to-the-last-seconds thriller seeing Will Wadeless LSU defeating the Terps  69-67.  In pool play this was a status quo ending to the game, resulting in a stunning blow to 19 hopeful pool entrants, 1 of which had Maryland winning it all.

The day also saw Wofford losing to Kentucky which will simplify things for our LSJU sailing team friends who were challenged with understanding how ‘ford was playing in the men’s tournament.  The only seeding upset of the day was #5 Auburn sending the #4 Kansas Jayhawks home.  This was a minor blow to just over 50 pool entries, 1 of which had Kansas making the final 4.

In the pool status report we have the top three entries all having had a perfect day (that was a fairly common outcome from a quick perusal of the standings), with “Cans on Fire” also showing up on top sorted by possible score with an impressive 231 possible points.

At the Brandy end of the pool TripstersMatilda was back to batting .250 with only two outcomes picked correctly on the day.  With a highest possible socre of 62, and the next lowest entry (Phil Knight Secretly Wears Adidas) having already scored 49 with a possible score of 194 (plenty of scoring opportunities left), our current leader to the bottom of the barrel may well waltz into a spot on our Brandy Award hall of incompetence.


Day 2 recap: upsets aplenty

Day 2 of the tourney saw upsets aplenty with 7 games going against the seeding (5 if we consider the 8/9 games evenly seeded):  10/7 Iowa, both 9/8 games, 13/4 UC Irvine, both 12/5 games, 11/6 Ohio St.  So while it was a tough day for those who clicked the “pick all higher seeds to win) button, the worst damage in the tournament was K. State packing their bags.

In more important news, at the end of the day we have a tie at first place between the eponymous “Upsets Galore” (HOU wins it all) and the more traditional “Eyebrian3”, both with correct first round prognostications in 27/32 games.  A total of 12 entries picked 25 or better first round outcomes.  Which leads us to the promised “check out the ‘sorted by possible score'” blather:

All bad picks are not equal – if you picked all saved 1 of the first round games correctly, but that 1 miss was the team that you picked to win it all your chances are not quite as rosy as if you made a few first round blunders but have an unblemished slate of sweet 16 teams.  SOooo- if we look at that report we see the aforementioned Eyebrian and Upsets Galore both still tied for 1st, but a differentiation below those first entries and those fighting for the top of the bracket.

In the “finding something nice to say” theory of communication, “Tripstersmatilda” doubled her daily batting average, today picking a whopping 8/16 outcomes correctly.  That nonetheless leaves her with a paltry 24 points (and a best possible score of 120 points).  Looking at her slate of great 8 teams one has to think that the Brandy award competition might be done and dusted after round one – Matilda has only 3 teams left in the top of her bracket.  It may be too early to call this end of the bracket, but if it looks like an emu, and it quacks like an emu – it might just BE an emu…

DAY 2: Watch each team’s celebration as they advance in the NCAA tournament


The first “upset” of the tournament has occurred, UC Irvine, local legends to those in Orange County, but virtual unknowns elsewhere, took down the fourth seeded Kansas State in convincing style. Not that much of a surprise among EQE March Madness participants, though, as 39 entries predicted that very outcome. How smart are we?

Halfway through the second half of the second round things are looking up for past champion Big Ten Love. Big Ten teams are currently 6 and 0, with two more yet to play. Then again Big West teams can also lay claim to an undefeated record – but there don’t seem to be any Big West Love entries.

Yesterday’s leaders, Savage Rocco and Petey1, have taken a back seat to our new co-leaders, Nathan Detroit and Eyebrian3, both of whom have only two incorrect picks. At the other end of the contest is previous laggard, Tripstermatilda, soaring to a win rate of 50% for the day at this point.

Day 1 Recap

Day 1 of the tourney is complete with a number of relatively modest upsets (10/7 Florida, 12/5 Murray St, 9/8 Baylor and10/7 Minnesota), the Murray St 12 seed victory being the most notable so far. That is unless you are a big fan of Old Dominion and considered them to be the favorite – then you were among the notable 2 such entries whose first day was crushed by Purdue, the home town favorite of up to one of your pool MCs. One of your other pool hosts WAS hoping for an upset win by the hockey powerhouse Northeastern fightin’ Huskies, but we take solace in only having made one entry backing the underdog dogs.

Given the relatively few monumental upsets on day one in the tourney it’s not shocking that there are a number of entries that made it through the day with near perfect records: 2 entries (Savage Rocco and Petey1) only missed one game each (notably not “Purdue over Old D”), with an additional 5 entries have only 2 blots on their slate. Congratulations for the great results – but don’t get comfortable quite yet at the top of the pool!!

However, there WAS one significant entry performance for the day: “TripstersMatilda” was chucked a wobbly and exited the day with a stunningly interesting result of batting just .250 for the effort, a respectable batting average for American cricket but not so good pool prognostication.  A Brandy award shoe-in? Too early for us to call the match, but TM IS well placed for the honor. For context, the best possible score for TM is 173 points (i.e. EVERY SINGLE GAME from now going forward falls Matilda’s way), a score that would have failed to win in 3 of the last 4 pools.

Tomorrow, being Friday, should be even more fun. We look forward to sharing our annual homage to the “status sorted by possible points” screed.  If that doesn’t get your heart thumping…

And We’re Under Way!

We are under way with a total of 116 entries in the tournament this year. That’s our best showing in many years, and the winner (obviously we all think it will be our own entry that will win it all) stands to come away with a substantial profit – maybe not enough to get your kid into Stanford, but plenty enough to pay that kid’s phone bill for a month or so.

We want to advise you that some reports are now available for you to look over and browse at this point. The “Pool Choice” and “Pool Distribution” reports display all of the picks for each entry and summarize the picks by school. Just click on the Quick Reports link above and peruse to your heart’s content. You might note that 47 entries have Duke winning it all and then there is a substantial drop off to the second favorite pick, Gonzaga, with a mere 16 picks as the champion. Interestingly, 89 of the entries, 77%, have one of the four Number One seeds taking the title. Our league statistician Numlock MacGeek has informed us that four number one seeds have all graduated to the finals only once in the entire history of the tournament and furthermore, in the tournament’s 56 year existence only 21 number one seeds have come away with the title.  Good luck!

Games have been close and exciting up to this point, but no huge upsets. Still, with six games complete only 10 entries are perfect, so don’t fret if you’ve got a few clunkers at this point…..well, maybe except for Tripstersmatilda, who has managed only one correct pick so far.

The 2019 Pool is Open!!!

The brackets are official, Seth Davis has revealed his (consistently incorrect) picks, and the Charles Barkley/Samuel L. Jackson/Spike Lee initially entertaining, but progressively annoying Capital One commercials have been unleashed.  Of course that means that the pool is now open.  You can make your pick by simply clicking above on the “Create Entry….” link and pick away!

We are requesting, if at all possible, that entries be paid for via PayPal.  The link to make that possible can be accessed here.  If you are unable to pay via PayPal, please contact your pool administrators at hoopsmaster@eqemarchmadness.com to arrange alternate means to pay.  Please take note that entries not paid for by the Sweet Sixteen, i. e. as of midnight  of March 27 will be suspended from the pool until payment is received.

Final Four!

At the completion of today’s games we’re down to the final four teams in the tourney, and 21 viable entries in the pool.  Both games today were exciting, with the Kansas victory over Duke being decided late in OT.  The excitement in the first game was much more short lived (mid first half?).

In our pool all of the possible remaining outcomes can be viewed in the Final Four report .  Of the 8 possible outcomes remaining, KirkWho comes in first in 3, DD1 and Petey2 come in first in two scenarios each, and hailphire wins it all only if Kansas beats Michigan in the final.  KirkWho is in the nice position of finishing in the money in 7 of 8 outcomes remaining.

In a shocking display of poor outcome picking, Gerald 1 has come out of anonymity (bad, but not bad enough to be mentioned before) to grab hold of the Brandy Award.  Gerald 1’s score of 60 is not historically horrible, but is considerably worse than last year’s winner (76).

Down To The Studly Six

Hey, if we can have the Elite Eight and Final Four, we might as well slap an appropriate name of the tweeners, and thus we christen those teams remaining as of Saturday night the Studly Six.

With Michigan and Loyola of Chicago moving on to the Final Four we are down to 36 entries that can finish in the money, only nine of which have a chance of finishing in first place.  At this point, KirkWho is looking pretty strong with a 69% chance of finishing in the money and a 28% chance of a first place finish.  Should Villanova and Duke win tomorrow, those odds go up even more.

Looking at the current points, Worst Nightmare leads the way with a score of 109.  Should Texas Tech slide by Villanova on Sunday, the Nightmare could become very real.  Speaking of Worst Nightmare, much will depend on this lovable soul.

Of course if he wasn’t already America’s most despised college basketball player, followed closely by Grayson Allen, he could become even more disliked if he ends up beating America’s favorite 98 year old sweetheart, Sister Jean.  That just ain’t right.

Some clarity is coming to the Brandy Award winner too.  If Villanova wins, New Name is almost a sure lock.  However, if Villanova loses, Big East Final will complete a clean sweep of no Final Four and only one Elite Eight picks.  That’s harder to do than you might realize.

Elite 8 is set

Friday’s action followed the seeder’s expectations much more closely than Thursday’s games:  3/4 games went to the top seed, with the only seeding “upset” being (close your eyes, Ron) the marginally lower seeded #3 Texas Tech Red Raiders defeating the #2 seed Purdue Boilermakers.

Looking at the brackets, the East ended up relatively true to form (#1 vs. #3), the South is upset city (#9 vs. #11), the West is moderately upset (#3 vs. #9), while only the Midwest played true to form (#1 vs. #2).

What does that mean to YOU?  If you are among the 45 remaining entries with a chance, you’ve got more to root for than the rest of us.  The current leader is “Worst Nightmare” with 99 points, but picking UVA to win it all.  “Worst Nightmare” does finish in first place in 24 of the remaining 128 outcomes (check out the possibilities report).  Leading the odds for a first place finish is KirkWho who is first in possible score ranking, and 3rd in the current point ranking.

Things are still roiled at the bottom of the sediment heap, with the lowest current point total (“Big East Final”) currently with only 55 points, but with the potential for 105 points.  There are a number of entries who have already reached their potential, with the lowest scoring of those being “New name” at 66 points.


And then there were 62

In what might be the worst title suggestion for a potentially HORRIBLE Agatha Christie rewrite there are now only 62 entries left in our pool without the dreaded “mark of the asterisk”.  Leading the charge are Soupy and DERPS tied with 83 points.  At the bottom end of those with still a shot (current score) is DD3.  The entry remaining with the highest possible score is KirkWho who has Villanova defeating Michigan in the finals (there are 3 entries with this championship matchup).  Playing a familiar tune, assuming that all remaining game outcomes are equally probable Soupy has the highest chance of coming in first (17% chance of landing in the money).  Because all outcomes AREN’T equally probable we put our best (only) guy on the case and determined that if Loyola Illinois wins out things are pretty tough to figure out.  Leave it to be said that no-one in our pool makes any further points on the backs of the fightin’ Ramblers as only 8 entries had them winning 3 games, none at 4.

We’ve had a big shakeup at the bottom of the pool (turbidity is high – google THAT you non-CEs) with JM now having the worst performing entry (49 points to date), but with both Kansas (winning it all) and Villanova (final four) still alive.  Keep in mind that Beau Blakey is the lowest in possible score 71 points.  So we know that the Brandy award will go to an entry scoring between 49 and 71 points (inclusive).  Spellbinding.

Speaking of spellbinding the tournament this year continues to produce thrilling games with unexpected outcomes.  Today’s action had the #11 Ramblers beating the #7 Runnin’ Rebels (Ramblers Wreck Running Rebels??), #9 KState defeating #5 Kentucky and #9 FSU beating the favorite #4 Zags.  In the non-upset bracket Michigan defeated TAMU.

With the sweet sixteen new reports will be available

We are hoping to have them up and running at the “quick reports” link above (NOW POSTED. -Admin), but should the torrential rain preclude the necessary work from occurring, please hop on over to hoopness.com to access all the latest and greatest.  The “Possibilities” report has Soupy in a good position finishing in first place in 22% of the remaining possible outcomes, followed by DERPS and “Rather be knitting”.  2 of those entries have a familiar ring to them…

There are a relatively few number of entries with the dreaded * by them – so you should all be well motivated to get your outstanding fees addressed before tomorrow…

“Beau Blakey”, with a current score of 51 and a possible score of 76, is the current favorite to bring home the Brandy award this year.  There ARE a number of entries with current scores in that range, though, so the action in the floculation basin should remain interesting until everything settles out.  (non-civil engineers are encouraged to google that)…


Bracket Busted? So Is Everyone’s!

Two number one seeds are gone, two number eleven seeds are in, and the first four seeds in the South bracket are gone.  Just another weekend of March Madness living up to its name.

So three of your Final Four selections are gone?  Not a problem!  You’re in good company.  There isn’t a single entry among the 106 participants that hasn’t lost at least one Final Four choice and most have lost two.  Yet they’re all still alive…..well, except for those entries that are accompanied by those pesky asterisks.  Sadly, if there is a little star in front of your entry name, your pick is no longer among those in the running…..for anything.  Don’t feel too bad, as reportedly every one of the 17.3 million brackets submitted in ESPN’s perfection contest is out of the running after only two rounds.

If you are among the lucky 79 still in the running, the Status Reports now list your highest possible finish.  And it may be higher than you think – and we’re talking about you, Conjilmom.  Though three of your Final Four choices have been bounced and five of your Elite Eight choices are gone, you still have a chance of finishing as high as second.  Let that sink in.

As we enter the Sweet Sixteen, Soupy still leads the way with a five point lead as sorted by Current Points.  But KirkWho has the lead in Possible Points, having lost only two Elite Eight teams among the many upsets.

At the other end of things, Beau Blakely holds the current lead in the race for the Brandy Award, but special recognition goes to Big East Final with only four correct picks among the sixteen second round games.  Impressive!

If you had not submitted your fees by the end of Sunday’s games you should have received our friendly reminder to pay.  To those who promptly paid up subsequently, thank you very much.  Hopefully we’ll have all debts settled before the Sweet Sixteen begins this Thursday.

Ramblers lead underdogs into Sweet 16 in first half of round 2

After the excitement of the Golden Retrievers upsetting Virginia last night today’s beginning of round 2 started in a fairly hum-drum fashion with higher seeds winning all games in relatively convincing fashion.  #3 Tennessee was not so lucky, running into the Ramblers of Loyola-Chicago.  In a game that had L-C seeming in control until the final few minutes the Volunteers mounted a furious comeback only to be foiled by a last seconds shot that bounced high off the rim only to drop in for the Ramblers.  Hopefully the remaining 3 games of the day maintain that excitement.

In the pool the current status is lead by two entries that picked only 2 of the 4 games completed to this point correctly.  The leader in the possible points status continues to be the formidable “quackquack2018” with 3/4 games completed in round two so far picked correctly, and with all 8 final 8 teams still alive.  If all falls qq’s way the ducky entry will finish with a score of 219, just a point higher than Gary Byers’ 2007 entry.  Which is another way of saying that the the record will likely hold for another year.

It’s early in the race for the Brandy award, but with the Eyebrian2 already at 40 points we know that a record WON’T be set.


Golden Retrievers! Really?

With the completion of the UVA vs UMBC game Warren Buffett breathes easy, earlier than any prior year.  With a stunning 16 over 1 upset the Golden Retrievers (?!?) of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County has joined the following historical sports accomplishments of this “year”:

  • The Cleveland Browns won a football game
  • The Eagles won a Super Bowl
  • North and South Korea together fielded an Olympic women’s hockey team
  • The US won an Olympic gold in curling
  • The Russians fielded a clean Olympic team

Yep – a 16 seed beating a 1 seed is so rare that it has actually NEVER happened before.  And with it the team with the 2nd most entries picking it to win it all in our pool has taken the never before seen 1st seed exits in the first round, likely deep sixing at least 14 entries.

With today’s action, and the first round games, complete, the top entry ranked by current points is “Soupy”, correctly picking 25 of the 32 outcomes in the round.  But Soupy is nowhere to be seen in the upper echelon of the possible score rankings having picked UVA to make it to the Final Four.  At the top of the Possible Score rankings is “quackquack2018” with an umblemished slate of Final 8 teams – a current status shared with #2 in the possible score rankings “Jumbo”.

At the other end of things JM and Eyebrian2 (both now 16/32) have out plummeted Gerald 2 who is now batting 1 game over .500.

Three Quarters of the Way Through Round One

At the three-quarter mark for the first round we are beginning to see some separation – and we’re not talking about the seams in Wolfpack coach Eric Musselman’s clothing – though we could be talking about the microphones that will probably be separated a little farther from the coach whose cursing reportedly caused longshoremen, and possibly the FCC, to be offended.

At the top of the standings in the Current Points category, two are tied for the lead as both Soupy and Sparty Is Angry have managed to pick all but three games correctly. However, when sorted by possible points, Sparty is both angry and sad as his pick for Arizona making in the Final Four drops the Possible Score ranking down to 75th. That leaves Soupy all alone in front with a slim one “Possible Points” lead over several picks that are stacked right up behind in the standings.

Meanwhile, it’s time to break out our statistical study based on Hoops Madness participants, the results of which were probably starkly predictable.

Vitale Raftery Bilas Research Institute of Madness Study

Brackets Gone Bad – Thunder Shocks Shockers

We all know the pain of having your bracket busted in the first round.  One such misguided soul is the entry labeled TomRocheTwo, the owner of which remains anonymous.  This we do know, his entry (we’re assuming it’s a “he”) was the lone pick that chose Cal State Fullerton to beat Purdue.  Foolish.  But then again the Brandy Award does reward such entries with a free pick for the following season.

Entries that picked Arizona and Wichita State are suffering similar fates and despair, but at least they have some company in that many others had similar aspirations.  But to pick CSUF, well, we just don’t know how to explain it.

Meanwhile, speaking of Wichita State, only five entries picked the Thundering Herd to prevail over the Shockers. That’s effectively upset number three, but far less destructive to our overall brackets than Arizona’s loss – not to mention, more appealing uniforms. The Shockers’ loss did shake things up a bit, however, knocking yesterday’s leaders out of the top spots, replaced with a twelve-way tie for first among entries with three incorrect picks out of the 20 games completed so far.

The 1980’s Astros are calling and they want their ugly back

So the UofA Wildcats have a whole lot of ugly going on, from an ugly blowout 1st round loss to the 14 seed Buffalo Bulls to an FBI investigation of their basketball program.  But it’s hard to argue that the ugliest part of their season isn’t their uniforms.  Yikes.  Hearkening back to the origins of the Brandy award (the eponymous entry was based on the uniform colors) we feel comfortable in assuming that THAT Brandy would have picked the Wildcats to bow out early.  Which they did.

In pool news the Buffalo victory did knock all entries out of the land of perfection.  As of right now there are 16 entries with 12 of 14 outcomes picked correctly.  Perennial top-dwellers DWG2 and Eyebrian3 are tied with possible scores of 243.  Speaking of Brandy, Gerald 2 is solidly in last place at the moment, though with a record that would be good if it were a batting average (.500).

Enjoy the games.  And be happy that you will no longer be visually assaulted  by basketball fashion gone horribly awry.  Or at least the UofA version of said malady.

After the First Half of the First Half…

After the first half of the first day we have one mild upset, the 11 seed Loyola of Chicago taking down sixth seeded Miami, while also creating a new star, Sister Jean, the hippest 98 year old in the tournament. At this point we still have 11 entries with a perfect record, a full 27% of them entries belonging to your Hoops Madness Administrators. Hmmm.

We’ll have the shortcuts to the reports up soon, but in the meantime you can browse all of the reports generated by our magical Hoopness engine by clicking on the “Review / Print Entry” link under Quick Reports, which will provide you with a list of links. Choose “View Reports” to see any number of site generated reports. You can also click on “Find an Entry” to see how your entry, or that of any other person for that matter, is doing. The site automatically ID’s correct (blue) choices and incorrect (red) choices.  How cool is that?

Stay tuned for more updates later today/tonight!