38 Entries As of Tuesday Evening

As of 8:30 PM PDT on March 19, 2019, we’ve tallied a total of 38 entries. While this is typical of entry patterns of years past, recent events have raised concerns here at pool headquarters that a public service announcement is in order:

THERE IS NO “SIDE DOOR” to EQE Hoops madness glory. If “Side Door Singer” has been telling you otherwise, you may wish to reconsider your choice of consultants. Or perhaps you are mistaking this pool for an education at USC. To which we reply: we’re better than that.

We would ALSO counsel all prospective entrants to keep your eye on the clock – the pool clangs shut right before tip-off of the first game. According to THIS website, that first tip is scheduled for 12:00 PM EDT, March 21, 2019. If you are in other time zones, continents, hemispheres, or states of mind we leave it to you to figure it out.

Best of luck, enter often, and remember that everybody’s fake SAT scores are ignored equally and without prejudice here!

Posted in 2019, Director's Notes.