And We have a “Winner”
With the first two games of the Elite Eight having been decided two entries have leaped to the top of the standings. Dunkenstein Senior and MF2 are the only contending entries that picked both Connecticut and Alabama to advance to the Final Four. RaleighGoodBracket tumbled out of the lead for the first time since Charles Barkley made a correct pick, but remains in contention in third place in present points and fourth place in possible points. MF2 is in second place in both present and possible points, but current leader, Dunkenstein Senior tumbles to 11th place in possible points by virtue of having only two Final Four picks still alive. Yeah, it’s a head scratcher. The leader in possible points is WheresNova, who has much invested in tomorrow’s NC State-Duke game, because this is the lone entry that has NC State making the Final Four. Tomorrow will provide much more clarity – we hope.
One thing is clear presently though, and that is fact that the winner of the Brandy Award is a certainty. In a huge blow to Catholicism, the Pope’s Picks has wrapped up last place with a score of 59 points. It’s a particularly cruel blow given the holiday weekend, so if the Easter Bunny seems a bit more forlorn than usual, you know why. Evidently the Easter Bunny is a very big fan of the Pope.
But wait, it gets even more interesting, because the “winner” is once again, Tom Roche. Actually it’s more than once again – in fact it’s the fourth time that Tom has secured the title awarded for “horrendously bad guessing,” breaking his own record of three times, established just two years ago. With this kind of dominance it could be high time to bar Tom from the competition as that is $20 that he has now saved – or one whole hour’s worth of labor at Del Taco (starting on Monday, that is).