Down the Final Four!!!

There are four teams remaining from the original field of 68 and in a bit of a coincidence there are four entries remaining from our original field of 125. Well, for first place, anyway. Incredibly, three entries correctly picked three of the four finalists, WeresNova, MF2 and Shooters Schrute. Each of them has a chance to grab the title for this year, along with that pesky RaleighGoodBracket, who refuses to go away despite seeing Duke fall earlier in the round.

A mere eight other entries remain alive, most with hopes of no better than 4th or 5th, but alive nonetheless. Congrats to those who had the foresight to pick some of those surprise winners and ride to the top of the standings.

With the Final Four upon us (and there will be some personal game representation among your administrators here) there are several reports available that lay out the chances and different scenarios that might occur next weekend. The Possibilities Report shows that RaleighGoodBracket has a 50% chance of taking the title and a 75% chance of finishing in the money. However that requires Alabama to get to the final game and also involves some variation of NC State getting to the final, so take that percentage with a grain of salt. All of the scenarios are laid out in the Final Four report, so for those in the running, check that out and say your prayers.

Posted in 2024, Director's Notes.